Crop Information


Benefits of Aminochem

Higher percentage of fruit in higher sizes

Increased fruit firmness

Greater development of Microorganisms in the soil (Greater CFU)

Increase in the dry matter of the fruit

Higher performance


  • The doses and times of application are suggestions, not necessarily representing a particular recommendation. The company is not responsible for mishandling and use, as well as the resulting adverse effects. For a correct dosage you should consult with the technical advisor in your area.
  • The names of the products that appear in the programs may vary depending on the country.

Crop comparison with Aminochem

Slide the image to see the results

*Products used:Bioamino-L + Aminoroot + Aminoterra

Test results

Arginine Concentration in Roots with Aminochem Program, Cherry trees, cv. Regina, vegetable pot in formation, Agrícola Los Robles, Purranque Season 2020/21
