For inquiries, contact one of our professionals:
XJuan Pablo Vergara
Country Manager Chile
Juan Francisco Caceres
Agente Zonal V
Brisila Villagran
Agente Zonal RM
Nicolás Lake
Agente Zonal VI
Javiera Munita
Agente Zonal VII Norte
Alejandra Rubilar
Agente Zonal VII Sur y VIII
Carlos Baier
Head of Technical Department
Daniela Karlezi
Coordinadora Técnica I+D
Manuel Contreras
Agente Técnico I+D, Zona Sur
Javiera Slater
Agente Técnico I+D, Zona Norte
Natural oil, obtained from salmon, with unique properties that promote the development of defense in plants. In turn, its antioxidant and biostimulant effect reduces plant stress.
Product suitable for organic agriculture by:
Available in:
Natural oil of marine origin, rich in Omega 3,6 and 9.
Biostimulant and antioxidant properties reduce plant stress when used in phytosanitary applications.
Plants that have proteins and Omega fatty acids available constantly during their cycle, not only improve their resistance and adaptation to all types of environments, but also increase their ability to synthesize natural growth hormones, with the consequent increase in potential productivity and quality of all tissues (roots, leaves, stems, flowers and fruits).
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